Some average images of Saturn are shown here. They all used the AO-2 adaptive optics system, taken during moderately good seeing in San Diego.
These images were taken with a 9.5" planetary Newtonian, projected to F/59 (14.2 m EFL), and an SBIG ST-7 CCD camera (binned 2x2 pixels, pixel scale = 0.26 arcsec/binned pixel).
Saturn, November 15, 1999. RGB exposures 6 seconds/4 seconds/8 seconds. Average seeing. Combined the best three images of each color before processing with unsharp masking and combining into an RGB image. On the original frames, several of the moons could be seen.
Saturn, December 29, 1999. RGB exposures 3.5 seconds/2.5 seconds/3 seconds. Average seeing. Combined the best five images of each color before processing with unsharp masking and combining into an RGB image. On the original frames, several of the moons could be seen.
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